I didn't know Brad Will, but he knew so many of my friends (and friends of friends, in folk music, activist and contemporary poetry circles) that his death, a major loss to many people, resonates loudly here in Madison.
It also makes the reporting of the mainstream press on Oaxaca more insulting, less because reports of his death leave him anonymous (whereas a "major" journalist who's wounded or held prisoner is made a hero) than because of its misrepresentation of the situation he was covering. Vicente Fox is said to be responding to a desire for a "return to order," when that's the desire only of the tiny upper class ("order" being the usual state of mass poverty); the truth is that many people are being worn down, understandably, by many months of conflict, chaos, and an even worse economic situation than usual. But that always happens in long strikes, including those that result in significant change.
Here's to the people trying to make a good life possible in Oaxaca, and to Brad Will, who was trying to tell us that story.
Send a letter to Vicente Fox:
In the morning language leaks
in. The world too always early
for representation, too late
not never only by a marked
difference. A small hole at the stomach
deflates scale, we who know those
who knew sucked to the edge
of the bubble faster than shots find
a heroic
coupling only
makes class
arrival of
news at distances,
too many to
want to count.
A drill
or siren warning.
Six month strike.
Squirrel chase rattles across the ceiling. That’s
how time gets marked
and pulled from circulation. Last night
we watched Breathless, and the guy who couldn’t make connections
said that people lie about Mexico. He didn’t mean Ulises Ruiz Ortiz.
It’s starvation and repression that make the struggle against them
so tiring. The Times says, “desire for order”
when it’s desire that’s hunted,
worn down.
The belly vulnerable
to bullets, to hunger or
to being filled.
The gut is that hole
felt in the heart.