

Friday, May 01, 2009

I got way behind on the posts here while preparing for my April 25th reading in the Red Rover series (Chicago--more on it later). I have, however, kept the read-a-book/write-a-poem -a-day project up to the extent that I read 23 books in April, finishing all but 3--and wrote well over 26 poems, some of them, I think, pretty decent. I'll be trying to post the poems and blurbs (backdated) on the books here over the next week or so, but for now, here's the list of N-Z:

Pablo Neruda, The Book of Questions
Ovid, Metamorphoses (didn't quite finish)
Bob Perelman, 7 Works
[no Q]
Kit Robinson, Covers
Ron Silliman, VOG
Rodrigo Toscano, Collapsible Poetics Theater (didn't quite finish)
[no U]
Cesar Vallejo, Spain, Take this Cup from Me
Keith and Rosmarie Waldrop, Flat With No Key
[no X]
William Butler Yeats, The Wind Among the Reeds
Louis Zukofsky, 80 Flowers

All in all, a fine trip through a bunch of mostly great stuff I hadn't read before.